Dear Alumni,

The University of Utah Alumni Association is pleased to be able to make this alumni directory available to alumni and friends of the U. We hope it will assist you in staying in touch with others who attended the University. The publication of this directory is not only a service of your Alumni Association, but it has also assisted us in updating thousands of our alumni records so that we can better communicate with you. Thank you for assisting us with this project.

Since the establishment of an Alumni Association in 1886, volunteers have committed enormous amounts of time, energy and enthusiasm on behalf of the University of Utah. Today, hundreds of alumni volunteers serve the Alumni Association throughout the United States as chapter officers and on various boards and committees that plan and implement programs for over 190,000 alumni.

The Alumni Association is organized into five boards according to interest and time since leaving school. The Emeritus Alumni Association board oversees activities for alumni who left the U more than 40 years ago; the Young Alumni board for those out less than 15 years. The Student Alumni Association involves and trains future alumni, and the Beehive Honor Society Board inducts some of the finest graduates each year and serves the University in other ways. All of these activities and Association committees are supervised by the Alumni Association Board of Directors. Through the efforts of these boards and their committees many activities are planned and alumni throughout the world are involved.

In this sesquicentennial year of the founding of the University of Utah, we hope you will take pride in the accomplishments and alumni of the U. If there is any way your Alumni Association can be helpful to you, please let us know. We would like you to continue your relationship with the University of Utah.


M. John Ashton
Executive Director
Alumni Association